viernes, 23 de agosto de 2024

Dark energy, with its negative mass, as possibly responsible for quantum entanglement and tunneling effects


In the type of Multiverse predicted by Inflationary Theory, pocket universes would be constantly forming at the bottom of the inflationary space

Each of those pocket universes that would be within the Multiverse has its own different vacuum energy

String Theory predicts that there are more than 10 exp 500 types of vacuum

The vacuum energy of each Universe affects the way that Universe has evolved

A Universe that manages to have the negative energy density predicted by the Alcubierre Metric would be capable of profoundly distorting space-time

That negative energy density would be negative mass

That negative mass would produce anti-gravitational effects

What better candidate for that negative mass than dark energy?

So far, all attempts to explain dark energy and matter involve modifying Einstein's theory of General Relativity

In fact, the Lambda-CDM Model says nothing about dark matter and dark energy

If we consider the negative mass of the Alcubierre Metric as dark energy, it is not necessary to modify the equations of Relativity to explain dark energy

Then, the equations of Relativity would be reversible: until now, we started from a mass condition to predict the corresponding distortions of space-time. Now, based on the largest distortions of space-time proposed by Alcubierre, the negative mass needed is calculated

The most important conclusion of this approach is that dark energy is a consequence of a Universe with the necessary vacuum density to lead to a feasible/successful Universe

Therefore, dark energy is a huge warping of space-time, allowing space displacements greater than the speed of light

This is the case of extremely distant galaxies, which seem to move at speeds greater than light: in reality, what moves faster is space, the result of the deformation cited in the Alcubierre Metric

Therefore, instantaneous movements are caused by dark energy

And now comes my key argument: if those instantaneous motions, at the macro level, are produced by dark energy, the quantum entanglement and tunneling effects that occur between particles, which as we all know are instantaneous, are also due to dark energy

Taking this approach a step further, it could be said that every time entanglement effects and quantum tunneling appear in nature, it is because dark energy comes into action

In this view, those bursts of dark energy that appear from time to time in our ordinary matter Universe create feasible Universes (within Everett's infinite universes)

Let's not forget that according to Alan Guth we are in a Multiverse capable of creating infinite pocket Universes

The triumphant pocket Universes are those that have been created by dark energy, with sufficient density  

The most important conclusion of this approach is that at the macro level, dark energy accelerates the expansion of galaxies, while at the micro level it is that same dark energy that is responsible for the effects of quantum entanglement and tunneling

An extrapolation would be that quantum entanglement phenomena such as superconductivity at very low temperatures or photosynthesis at room temperature are also due to dark energy, through the negative energy density solutions of General Relativity discovered by Miguel Alcubierre  

With this approach, we could say that, if dark energy is negative gravity, it is not necessary to modify the General Theory of Relativity to admit both dark energy and dark mass: both come naturally from the solution of the equations discovered by Alcubierre

Let's not forget that the Lambda-CDM model says nothing about dark matter and dark energy, which as we all know accounts for 95% of the cosmos

See additional details in my post:

Quantum entanglement explained by the solution of General Relativity discovered by Miguel Alcubierre:

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