lunes, 5 de agosto de 2024

Photosynthesis as a successful Everett World, Multiverses and holographic Black Holes


Alan Guth is working on the theories of a Multiverse with infinite pocket Universes

In the type of Multiverse that predicts inflation, pocket universes would be constantly forming at the bottom of the inflationary space. It would be possible for them to collide with each other. Traces of collisions of our pocket Universe with others in the past are being searched for

The Multiverse is a consequence of many of the existing versions of the Inflation Model

The Multiverse theory explains the energy density of empty space or the cosmological constant problem

The value that has been measured for vacuum energy is much smaller than what particle physicists predict

So far the best explanation we have as to why this energy is so small is in the idea of the Multiverse and anthropic selection

If our Universe is not unique, but is part of a Multiverse, then each of the pocket Universes within it will have a different vacuum energy.

String Theory predicts that there are more than 10 exp500 types of vacuum

And we can think that, among them, there will be some with an energy as small as the one we are observing. That is anthropic selection

The energy of the vacuum is not just a number; affects the way the Universe has evolved (Alan Guth)


Both General Relativity and String Theory naturally lead to Multiverses

The most elementary Multiverse is simply the infinite space predicted by General Relativity: an infinite number of Hubble volumes (or observable universe) should fill this meta-world

General Relativity also deals with the issue of the Multiverse when dealing with black holes. The maximum analytical extension of Karl Schwarzschild geometry, as shown according to the Penrose-Carter diagrams, shows that another Universe could be observed from inside a black hole

In electrically charged and rotating black holes, an infinite set of universes with attractive or repulsive gravity appear in the diagram

The wormholes that probably connect these Universes are extremely unstable, but that does not alter the fact that it reveals in itself other Universes, accessible or not 

Pluriverse and black holes

A much more interesting Pluriverse is associated with the interiors of black holes when the quantum corrections of General Relativity are considered

Jumps should replace singularities in most approaches to quantum gravity, and this leads to an expanding region of space-time inside the black hole, which can be thought of as a Universe

This fact could lead to a kind of cosmological natural selection in which the laws of physics tend to maximize the number of black holes (because these types of Universes generate more Universes of the same type)


My Vision    

Each of the pocket universes that exist within the Multiverse has a different vacuum energy density

String Theory says that there are more than 10 exp500 types of vacuum

Vacuum energy is not just a number, but it affects the way each Universe has evolved

Every time we take out of the vacuum the negative energy defined in the Alcubierre Metric of General Relativity, quantum entanglement occurs

Every time we take the energy of the Alcubierre Metric out of the void, a feasible Universe is created

In this feasible Universe, the particles are entangled, which means, among other things, that they are capable of making quantum tunnels and communicating with each other instantaneously

Every time entanglement appears, we are managing to pull the negative energy density of the Alcubierre Metric out of the void

If the cells of the human body have quantum properties, if they make use of that "power" they are managing to bring the negative energy density of Alcubierre's solution out of the void

When there is entanglement between cells we connect with the rest of the Universe

That feasible Universe that has been created could be called a "successful Big Bang", a real Everett world

Non-feasible Universes are Everett worlds that have led to nothing

In any case, both the states of the successful and the failed Everett worlds have been "memorized/recorded" somewhere, since according to Quantum Mechanics information can NOT be lost

That infinite memory could be recorded in the event horizon of a black hole (according to the Holographic Theory)

That means that our Multiverse could be working in tandem with a black hole, where all those Big Bangs are recorded, both successful and unsuccessful

In that black hole would be the negative energies we need to create all those pocket Universes

In a word, that black hole would contain all the information of the created Everett worlds and would provide, upon request, the energy density of the vacuum of the Alcubierre Metric

If, as it seems, there are quantum phenomena in photosynthesis (specifically quantum tunneling) that would mean that at that moment the cells involved would be creating a feasible pocket Universe, which has been able to "ask for help" through the negative energy density of the Alcubierre Metric

Photosynthesis is a feasible/successful Everett world: a Big Bang has been created

In other words, the cells of photosynthesis have been able to create a pocket Universe capable of producing energy from the sunlight they receive

Big Bang Example: Photosynthesis

And so we would have to list one Big Bang after another, for each successful experiment that has occurred throughout time





Alan Guth: "A world of infinite universes is the best explanation for reality":


Can consciousness be explained with quantum physics?:


The brain would be connected to the cosmos on a quantum scale:


Research Says Every Cell in Our Body Could Be Conscious


"The existence of infinite pocket universes is a perfectly logical idea"


The idea of multiple universes is more than a fantastic invention:


In search of unification between Quantum Mechanics and the General Theory of Relativity: quantum entanglement, explained through an approach that integrates Alcubierre's Metrics, the Maldacena Conjecture and Barbour's Parallel Universes:

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